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Posts tagged pepper
Pepper Carrot Chicken Wings | Herb Lime Salad

Chicken wings. An All-American classic. Chef Caleb Shriver elevates this sports-view staple with A&B American Style Pepper Sauce, with some crisped up carrots and a refreshing herb salad. Grill these up this Sunday for the big game - whoever your team may be!

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James White | San Augustin

James started San Augustin Datil Pepper Table Sauce along with Tim and Catherine Bucolo as a way to share the flavor of their beloved Datil Pepper - typically only found in the South Eastern United States.  Utilizing only natural ingredients and a smoking process, James + San Augustin are crafting a superior product that is the perfect staple for any home kitchen table.

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Pasta alla Carbonara - a soul-satisfying Italian favorite originating from the Apennine hills - is traditionally crafted with guanciale (or bacon or pancetta), spaghetti, eggs, parmesan and black pepper. Nothing more.  Now, before any battles break out over authentic Carbonara and what ingredients should or should not be present, let me say this...  What you are about to see is not a traditional Carbonara. Again, this is NOT a traditional Carbonara.

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