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Posts tagged ingredient
Patricia Alemdar

The mission of Wondergrain is to educate the public on the health benefits and versatility of sorghum - an ancient grain healthy and versatile with no GMO's and gluten-free.  The company's hope is to bring variety as well as innovation to the homes and restaurants across America through packaging the grain as a consumer friendly product, made with a premium, softer bite and fast cooking time. Despite being used by civilizations for generations, it is only now gaining popularity thanks to it's versatile nature and healthy association. 

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Ingredient Highlight: Smokey Sherry Onion Spread

May's basket features The Gracious Gourmet's Smokey Sherry Onion Spread.  Helmed by creator Nancy Wekselbaum from Bridgewater, CT, this spread is a product that we at The FareTrade find ourselves coming back to again and again.  Nancy is killing it at The Gracious Gourmet with award winning creations that span a multitude of flavor profiles.  We had the opportunity to connect with Nancy to discuss all things TGG.

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