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Pan Roasted Salmon | Braised Endive | Sage Mango Honey | Basil

This deceptively simple recipe is jam packed with flavor. Sure to impress even your snootiest foodie friends, Chef Patrick Ponsaty shows you how to get the most out of Honey Pacifica's Mango Honey.


For The Dish:
6, 6 Oz. Salmon Filets
1 Oz., Olive Oil
12 Small Heads, Belgium Endive, Halved
2 Quarts, Orange Juice
2 Tablespoons, Honey Pacifica Sage Mango Honey
3 Pieces, Star Anise
3 Tablespoons, Butter
1 Bunch, Basil Leaves


For The Salmon:

  1. In a large saute pan over medium heat, saute the salmon skin side down for 30 seconds with olive oil. 
  2. Finish the salmon in a convection oven for four minutes until medium-rare.

For The Braised Endive:

In a large saute pan over medium heat, saute the endive, both sides with olive oil and butter, seasoning with salt and pepper. 

  1. Cover the endive with orange juice, star anise and Honey Pacifica Sage Mango Honey
  2. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place in a 375 degree oven for 30 minutes. 
  3. Strain the cooking liquid from the endives, reducing until it is a syrup consistency. Add the butter to finish the sauce.


  1. Organize the endive on the plate, put the salmon on top of the endives then finish it with the orange sauce and basil.