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Jessica Milan

Jessica Milan | Lookbook Cookbook

As it's name accurately suggests, Jessica Milan's Lookbook Cookbook showcases the intersection between food + fashion.  With the hardcopy version being release this May, Jessica crafts food that is both natural + fun while remaining gluten, dairy + soy free.


What inspired you to start Lookbook Cookbook?

I am a photographer and foodie, and I decided to start a food blog a few years ago. At the time I was shooting a lot of models and thought it would be a fun mix to include the girls in some of the shots.

Lookbook Cookbook


How do you think the worlds of fashion and food complement each other?

Cooking and getting dressed can both be very creative and we all have to do both of them (almost) every day.


It’s March! What are some of your favorite seasonal ingredients and preparations?

All of my favorite cruciferous veggies are my go to's in March: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage and Kale.


What’s the most important thing to throw a perfect dinner party?

The best company. And lots of guacamole.


Lookbook Cookbook

You get to split your time between Toronto and Spain – and we’re jealous! How do the cities differ both from a fashion and culinary standpoint? What are your favorite restaurants in both places?

Toronto is definitely much more ahead in both it's fashion and food selection. It's not always easy to find vegan food or ingredients in Spain, but they have definitely gotten a lot better over the years. My favorite restaurant in Toronto is Fresh, it was one of the first healthy places that opened up here years ago. And in Spain, my favourite is La Paloma. They have tons of fresh juices and food for lunch, and are located in the beautiful Ibiza countryside.


It’s Happy Hour. What’s your drink of choice?

I don't really drink that much, but I enjoy a nice glass of red wine on occasion.


Do you have a favorite local artisanal treat?

There's an amazing place in Toronto called TBC Vegan that has a huge selection of vegan donuts. I go for the ones that have sprinkles.


If you could choose one of March’s featured ingredients to cook with, what would you choose and what would you make?

The Apple Drinking Vinegar sounds amazing. I use apple cider vinegar in nearly everything I make, so I would have a lot of fun experimenting with it in sauces and salad dressings. 


Midnight snack of choice?

Definitely popcorn made on the stove top with sea salt and nutritional yeast.


Lookbook Cookbook

Dream photoshoot: Who is the model(s), what chef is catering, and what designers are you featuring?

All of my favorite photoshoots end up being when I shoot some of my closest friends, it's always very relaxed with a lot of laughing. I would serve some Lookbook Cookbook goodies and the clothing would be a mix of new and vintage with lots of silver and turquoise jewelry.


What’s up next for you? Any exciting culinary travels or ventures to share?

My book is coming out May 12th and I plan to travel to a few exotic places this year to document on Lookbook Cookbook. 


Catch all of Jessica's sultry creations:




