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Dried Chanterelles

Wine Forest Wild Foods

Dried Chanterelle Mushrooms

Crafted By: Connie Green

Napa Valley, CA

Chanterelles are well regarded as the "Queen of the Forest" - brilliantly golden, meaty texture, and delicately perfumed. Hand harvested in Northern California this crop has a hint of dried apricot and will rehydrate with a deep intensity ideal for hearty soups, stews and dishes. With these, you'll want to chop them finely as they can be tougher than other dried varieties. 

After they've been brought to with warm water be sure to reserve the strained liquid - it's a brilliant broth for vegan dishes. Perfect for winter, these are wonderful chopped and added to goat cheese with herbs and stuffed into chicken breasts; incorporated into a bread pudding; or added to a mushroom and burrata lasagnette.

About Wine Forest Wild Foods

As a pioneer in the wild mushroom business, Connie Green founded Wine Forest Wild Foods in 1981 and continues to provide the very best wild and tamed foods available throughout the United States. They forage for some of the most applauded restaurants including the prestigious The French Laundry and proudly provide for many of the country's finest chefs and artisanal markets.

In the current cross-section of food culture where stone-age hunter-gatherer tradition crosses paths with haute cuisine, sustainability is the secret ingredient to Wine Forest Wild Foods. As evidence mounts that mushroom picking actually increases mushroom fruiting, their team is dedicated to gathering and sustaining their trees, having now sourced wild mushrooms from the same crops for the past twenty-six years. We're excited to showcase Wine Forest Wild Foods in the May 2014 box - a true chef's find of an ingredient - and one we hope will shine light on the versatility of the noble mushroom.

Fine Wine Forest Wild Foods' Dried Chanterelles in The Box from Chef Alex Seidel