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Guelaguetza Oaxacan Black Mole


Oaxacan Black Mole

Los Angeles, CA

Curators: Fernando + The Lopez Family

Guelaguetza calls their Oxacan Black Mole "The King Of Moles".  Sweet and savory, this sauce is rich and deep in flavor, with a traditional blend of chiles, nuts, bread, and seasonings to result in a pronounced flavor, distinctly Oaxacan.

Try this velvety sauce in a variety of traditional combinations or add your own spin. The nuanced taste is particularly wonderful with a braised chicken leg, on top of enchiladas, in a tamale, or folded into some eggs in the morning.

About Guelaguetza

The Lopez family was born in Oaxaca and moved to the United States in 1994. Since arriving stateside, they've been dedicated to showcasing not only their family recipes, but also the hard work and dedication that goes into each of them. They return to Oaxaca each year, hand-picking ingredients, and carefully select the people they collaborate with. Luckily, The FareTrade made the cut!

Guelaguetza is not only a restaurant but also a boutique market, where the Lopez family sell their line of delicious Mexican ingredients and products. Their commitment to advocating for Oaxacan culture throughout Los Angeles is unwavering and their motivation behind their products is simple: uncompromised quality. Taken years to develop and perfect, they seek to transport samplers to Oaxaca, where they might absorb what it means to be a true Guelaguetza, an ancient Zapotec word that means "To Share".

Find Guelaguetza's Oaxaca Black Mole in our January Basket!