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San Juan Gold Cheese | Pomegranate | Baguette | Old Red Salt

Chef Dakota Weiss puts a spin on the time-tested cheese plate. Frying the cheese creates a "grilled cheese crispys" texture and flavor that is both satisfying and intriguing. Pair with a glass of your favorite red or a nice hoppy craft IPA.


For The Dish:
10 Grams, Big Sur Old Red Salt
1/8 Cup, Golden Balsamic Vinegar
1 Cup, Honey
1 Tablespoon, Lemon Juice
1/2 Pound, San Juaquin Gold Cheese (In Wedge Form)
1 Baguette, Sliced
1/4 Cup, Pomegranate Seeds
1 Apple (Chef Suggests Pink Lady or Honey Crisp), Thinly Sliced
1 Tablespoon Mint, Chopped


For The Dish:

  1. Add the salt, vinegar, honey and lemon juice into a pot and bring to a boil; Let it simmer for 1 minute and set aside. 
  2. Heat up a large / flat non-stick pan to med/high heat. Spray a little cooking oil on the surface and then place the wedge of cheese into the pan, letting it sit until you see it begin to melt (approx. 30 seconds). Slowly pull away the cheese, there should be a thin layer of cheese that sticks to the pan. Let that get crispy (imagine the burnt cirspy cheese on the edge of a grilled cheese sandwich)
  3. Using an off-set pallet knife pull it away from the pan onto a plate lined with a paper towl to absorb excess grease. Repeat step two and three until you have enough cheese crisp that you desire.
  4. Slice your baguette and place onto a platter
  5. Around the platter, place your apple, mint and pomegranate seeds
  6. Stack your cheese crisps and lightly dizzle the salted honey gastrique over the cheese. 

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