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Guest Editor: Gaby Dalkin aka What's Gaby Cooking

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Meet our latest guest editor Gaby Dalkin, chef, cookbook author, food writer, recipe developer and last but not least, blogger at What’s Gaby Cooking! Focusing on a mixture of healthy + indulgent food recipes, Gaby’s blog provides a perfect balance of the food you know you should be eating + the food you’re craving. Read on below to see what this self-professed avocado lover has to say about her favorite springtime cocktails, her new YouTube series ‘Domestic Partners’ + more…



How did you start your blog What’s Gaby Cooking? 


Originally I started What's Gaby Cooking as a way to share all my recipes with my friends after we graduated college - basically I was just bragging. It then turned into a chronicle of culinary and pastry school and from there it grew to its current form. The thing is, I sometimes cook like a person with more than one personality (#sorryimnotsorry), since I can be all cheesy and indulgent one minute, then fresh and healthy the next. For me, it’s about balance, both in what you eat, and in how you live your life so it's fun to bring all of that to What's Gaby Cooking! Share 3 words to characterize your choice of cuisine. 


California, Healthy, Occasional Indulgence (ok that's 4, I know I cheated! sorry!)



You clearly love social media! What’s your social network of choice and why? 


Without a doubt, Instagram! I'm a visual person and it's the best visual platform out there!



Tell us about video series and what we can expect to see from Gaby on YouTube? 


Video has been such a fun component to What's Gaby Cooking. The WGC series is fun because I get to show my audience my personality and excitement about a recipe, and my new series, Domestic Partners with one of my dearest friends is a quick 2 minute happy hour/girls night in type show where we get to talk about all the little things in life that we are always thinking about... like celebrity crushes, spirit cocktails and how to survive a bad hair day!



If you could be any food, what would you be and why? 


Avocados! 100% They are the best fruit on the planet, and I wrote an entire cookbook dedicated to them. I'm obsessed.



Favorite springtime cocktail? 


I'm obsessed with Pisco Sours and Caipirinhas! It probably has something to do with my current love affair with South America! What ingredient in our April box would you most be inclined to try and why?


The Jam Stand’s Drunken Monkey Jam. I mean the name alone is epic!!!



What do you like most about The Fare Trade concept?


Getting to sample different artisanal goods from a trusted chef - sheer brilliance! / @whatsgabycookin on




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