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Guest Blogger: Madeline Pukette aka Wine Folly

madeline-decanting-wine copy
madeline-decanting-wine copy

Meet our latest guest editor Madeline Puckette, a talented wine sommelier from Seattle! Madeline runs a successful blog for wine enthusiasts and experts alike and was kind enough to sit down with us for a friendly chat about beverage blogging and her favorite Seattle eateries.

How did you get into blogging about wine? 

I became a certified sommelier in 2010 and I was disappointed with the lack free

information about wine on the internet.  The more I searched for answers, the more I

discovered that I was not the only one like me.  So, I started a blog in hopes to not only accelerate my own understanding of wine but to help others getting into it.

What advice do you have for people blogging about food and drink? 

Keep it relevant. How can you relate to your readers?  Why would they care about that delicious bottle of Musigny you had last night?  So many great writers get lost in the

clutter of the internet because it's hard to remember who you're talking to (or if you're

reaching anyone).

Best country for red? Best country for white? 

I like white wines with a vein of acidity, France is a great place for this.  Unfortunately France knows this, so they're expensive. So, on the cheap, I'll grab a white wine from Chile, Germany or Austria.  As far as reds, I love warmer climate regions (this is not

obvious on the blog) because they exhibit tons of fruit and this punch of alcohol that makes you go 'awe yeah!'.  So for example, Spain, Southern Italy, USA, Argentina and


What ingredient in our April box would you most be inclined to try and why? 

Rancho Gordo’s Ayocote Blanco Beans! What the heck is a Blanco Bean?! When I'm

tasting wines, I like to try things I've never heard of. I'm glad food is still a mystery.

Name your favorite restaurant in Seattle.

I have so many friends in the restaurant biz and they all make great food... so this is a tough question.  Definitely Mkt. is on this list and so is Whale Winds, Poppy, and Sitka and Spruce.

Tweet me @winefolly if you're coming into town and I can give you a recommendation based on your needs (cheap, brunch, late night etc).

What is your local artisanal treat of choice? 

I'm always stocked up on Pike Extra Stout Mustard, it's worth every penny.  I'm a

mustard addict.

What do you like most about The Fare Trade concept? 

Seattle purveys their local foods really well, but we're isolated from other craft/local

markets. The Fare Trade expands my definition of "Local"! It also helps that most things are not that perishable... @winefolly on Twitter/Instagram

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